Ariel’s Success Story

“From Crohn’s to cured:
This program changed my life.”

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2017 — and I eventually accepted that my life would be filled with infusions and shots, and ultimately surgery and a colostomy bag.

Over the past five years, I’ve been on a low FODMAP diet recommended by my doctors. This included lots of starchy, processed foods and no fiber. It wasn’t helping. In fact, it got to a point where I was afraid of food. I would rather not eat anything than feel sick. I wasn’t able to do normal things — like stick to plans, exercise, or go out with friends. I was in the hospital often, and when I was at home, I was sick for hours every morning. I tried to keep up with my studies, but I started falling behind in that too.

When I first started Resolve to Results, we decided on a protocol that included foods my doctors always told me not to eat, but that the research says is healing— one filled with fruits and vegetables! And guess what? I have never felt better! 

Now I’m able to do all the things I accepted that I'd never do. I’m able to get up every morning and feel great. I’m able to keep my plans. I’m able to participate with my friends. I’m able to date. I’m finally able to do my yoga teacher training! There are so many aspects of life that I get to enjoy now — all because of Jenna’s amazing program.

This program changed my life. For anyone with an autoimmune disease or stomach issues, I highly recommend trying this program because it will not only cure you, but it will change the way that you feel about yourself for the better. So thank you, Jenna, for everything. This was life-changing and I'm just so grateful for you.

Non-profit Executive Director

*Results may vary

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