LevelUp Health Success Story: Brian Frederick

Brian’s Success Story

“Type 2 Diabetes was a wakeup call that I needed to start taking my health seriously.”

I’m happy to say that genetics is not destiny.

A year before I started this program, I found out I had Type 2 diabetes at 47 years old. I wasn’t totally shocked; it runs in my family. My father has it, and my grandmother did too. It was a wakeup call that I needed to start taking my health seriously. So I talked to my doctor. He put me on metformin, and told me to change my diet.

In an effort to avoid sugar and reduce my A1C, I did keto. (It’s such a common misconception that diabetes is caused by too much sugar — even among some doctors!) Did I think eating bacon and eggs every day was good for me? Not really. But it lowered my A1C for a while … until it didn’t. While keto seemed like a miracle cure for a few months, it turned out to be exactly the opposite. Not only was my A1C on the rise again … keto caused my cholesterol to go up as well — so then my doctor put me on statins! There I was, on diabetes medication and statins. 

Clearly keto wasn’t the solution, and I wasn’t quite sure what to do.

I read Eat for Life by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and it opened my eyes to the benefits of a vegan diet. So, I tried that. But my A1C continued creeping up, and that’s when I got worried. What if I couldn't get this under control?

Thankfully Jenna was recommended to me by someone I trust.

Over 12 weeks in Resolve to Results, I lost 22 pounds, my cholesterol dropped by 76 points, and my insulin resistance came down as well. Without Jenna, I would not have known that lowering your A1C can take time — up to 6 months — even when you’re doing everything right. 

With Jenna as my guide, I was confident letting my A1C rise a bit before it came down. I was comfortable knowing that I was doing what was healthiest for me, and that my body would take some time to calibrate.

Something else that surprised me? The severe shoulder pain I was having turned out to be caused by the statins. (Muscle pain is one of the side effects, which I learned from Jenna.) Off the statins, my shoulders are improving every day. I’m able to get back on the basketball court with my kids.

The best thing about Jenna is that she’s guided so many clients through health improvements. What she recommends is personalized, and it’s based on science — but she’s also seen it work on so many people. I felt safe navigating through all of this, because she knew how the big picture would fall into place. She prepared, informed, and supported me at every step, with calmness, clarity and great empathy.

Professionally, Jenna isn’t just a physician with a medical degree. She also went to Duke for Health Coaching and deeply understands the psychology behind behavior change, habits, and motivation. 

She doesn’t just tell people what to do; she knows how to help them help themselves. Jenna is truly a trusted guide!

My doctor never looked at my health, in granular detail, the way Jenna has. Sure, there’s certainly a place for pharmaceuticals, but try Jenna’s program first. If you get your food, sleep and lifestyle right, it’s quite possible you won’t need the prescriptions! 

I’m happy to say that genetics is not destiny. 

Before Resolve to Results, I felt like I was surviving the day. Now I have tons of energy. I’m back to my old happy self. I’m able to think clearly and strategically. Long-term projects and life goals are finally being accomplished. I find myself craving physical activity and running up the stairs. I’m doing more activities with my boys.

Feeding myself is easy now. I’m certainly not a chef, and I don’t like cooking, but I have found ways to make food that’s simple and satisfying.

Creating sustainable health is not an event — it’s a process. And I have a sustainable plan moving forward. I’m so pleased with the results after 12 weeks, and I’m excited to see how my health continues to improve.

I tell my kids, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” The diabetes diagnosis didn’t kill me, and I’m stronger now. Thank you, Jenna.

Boy-Dad, Dog Father & Strategist

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