Catherine’s Success Story

“I needed to change my diet and Jenna showed me how to do it — with love, with care and with science!”

Jenna's program gave me good nutritional advice based on science that empowered me to make informed decisions about my diet.

In addition, I was able to bring down my cholesterol levels in a dramatic way. I thought I knew how to eat in a healthy way, but I am a busy person and I half read nutritional information that turned out to be wrong in so many ways.

The weight loss was almost secondary to the notable improvements in my blood work. I did the program while I was traveling, and I was able to modify it to suit my situation. Jenna was unbelievably supportive throughout the process and my group was a great help during moments when I thought it would be impossible to keep with the program.

I like the way Jenna's program is full of information you can absorb at your own rate: it's not based on bad science so the insights have staying power and can be used by laypeople to understand the complex functioning of their bodies.

I was getting to an age when exercise alone wasn't doing it for me: with a family history of high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure, I needed to change my diet and Jenna showed me how to do it, with love, with care and with science!

University Professor

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