LevelUp Health Success Story: Celine Goncharoff

Celine’s Success Story

“I have the energy that I had in my 20s! I don’t even have to go to bed early anymore; I’ve gained two hours of my life back!”

This program works. So many things out there do not work — but this program works!

I owe so much to Jenna. She changed my life.

When I contacted Jenna, I was at the end of my rope. My weight had been creeping up over the years. I did Weight Watchers twice, Curves, and more. Nothing worked. Well, it “works” when you do it, except you’re starving. And when you don’t want to starve anymore, it doesn’t work anymore!

I needed something that really works. I needed a way of eating that works … for good! I was skeptical, because I love cooking … I love food … and I hate being hungry. I didn’t want to starve. 

To be honest, when I joined Resolve to Results, I thought I was doing another diet. I just intended to do a better job maintaining this new diet.

To my surprise, what I got was not a diet. It was a life-changing way of living. And I’m all in. I will never reverse my way of eating. I will never go back to the SAD diet I was eating before.

I moved from France to Chicago when I was 25 … and I lived there for 25 years before moving to California. Over those 25 years, I gained 29 pounds. A pound per year isn’t very noticeable while you’re gaining it, but over the years it certainly adds up! 

My weight was in the “normal” range until I hit my 40s. Then it crept into the “overweight” category, which is when I began dieting with Weight Watchers and other programs. But as I turned 53, and my weight was a smidgen away from the “obese” category, I said NO WAY! This is where I’m drawing the line! 

Because of Jenna’s program, my way of eating has changed drastically. Being from France, I was used to eating cheese and butter. But now I find other things far more appealing. I’m cooking all new foods. And my mother sends me Veggie magazine from France, where I get inspiration for many of my new recipes.

I’m very happy to live in the states, but the “normal” way of eating here is not helping us at all. I’m a true advocate for Jenna’s program and the way of eating she teaches.

Today I’m happy. I’m healthy. I don’t have to count calories. I can eat whatever I like! I’m never hungry.

I’m a teacher; I love learning. Resolve to Results is a real education. The other diets out there just tell you to do this program. That isn’t effective, especially in the long term. Jenna’s approach is so much better because when you understand why, doing what it takes to be healthy becomes a necessity. 

Jenna is an awesome teacher. She explains something, and then comes back later to reinforce it. This is how it sticks. 

Knowing WHY makes this way of life sustainable in the long term.

Aside from being overweight, I was also always tired. And I’m a kindergarten teacher; I cannot be tired! The fatigue was terrible. I was going to bed at 8:30 PM every night and I was still exhausted during the day.

Now, I feel energized all day long. I have the energy that I had in my 20s! I don’t even have to go to bed early anymore; I’ve gained two hours of my life back! 

I have more joy. My mood is better. Everything is better! 

What does my life look like now? Well, I got my bike tuned up, and I’m spending weekends riding leisurely along the coast. I’m also starting to do plant-based cooking videos. What a difference. I was so tired before … I didn’t want to do anything!

I lost weight. My BMI is down. I have so much energy, and I’m continuing to lose weight. I don’t even worry about it anymore; the scale keeps going down. I’d like to lose a little more weight, but it’s happening naturally. There’s no emergency anymore. I don’t have an ending date. This is how I’m living the rest of my life, and I have such relief about that. No more diets. No more ups and downs on the scale. No more going to bed early and still being tired

This program works. So many things out there do not work — but this program works! Changing your lifestyle takes very little effort compared to the incredible benefits you get.

Thank you, Jenna! You have changed my life!

Teacher & Foodie

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