Cristina’s Success Story

“Because of Resolve to Results, I haven’t needed a shot since completing the program.”

It looks like I’m finally out of the flare, thanks to Jenna and her program.

I have lived with Lupus for 20+ years, and experienced many flares over the years. Each flare affects me differently, and usually, with the help of my doctor, I’m able to move through them pretty quickly with medication. 

But this time, I was in a flare-up that wasn’t going away. It was affecting my blood — my white blood cell count was extremely low.  I had to do weekly injections to encourage my bone marrow to make more blood cells — and I had to get my blood drawn twice a week

The blood draws and injections were taking away my time and my sanity! After getting weekly injections for a year-and-a-half — the flare still wasn’t ending — even with medication.  I was so frustrated.

When my friend who is a physician recommended Jenna, I was ready to try anything. I had nothing to lose.

I have to admit I was skeptical about Resolve to Results at first. So I set my sights low. I hoped that the program would give me more energy (to help me deal with all of these shots and blood-draws). Would it improve my blood count? I didn’t really think so, but my friend and Jenna both seemed optimistic, so I had a glimmer of hope. 

I stuck to the program. And I’m glad I did. 

Because of Resolve to Results, I haven’t needed a shot since completing the program. My white blood count is better! It’s so much better, in fact, that I’m now able to do blood tests every two weeks instead of bi-weekly! That makes a big difference in my daily schedule, and my peace of mind. 

Emotionally I feel much better. The daily stress is drastically lower.

I just found out that my inflammatory markers are lower, too!

It looks like I’m finally out of the flare, thanks to Jenna and her program.

Because of the program, I also have more energy — and now it looks like I can use it for other things besides getting blood drawn!

It also feels like I found a new hobby. I love finding new recipes, and trying new foods and spices.  

When I told my mom about the program, she said, “Let’s do it together!” She was such a huge support. She would prepare meals and create new recipes like the most delicious sweet potato muffins! 

My husband and son were supportive too. While my son was always open to trying new food, he is so much healthier now. He happily eats whatever we make, and if I offer to bring him food home from a restaurant, he says, “I’ll eat whatever you get!” 

It wasn’t my goal to have my family be happy about the meals — but they were! That was an unexpected win.

Honestly, I think everybody in my family learned something and got healthier because of R2R. Not just me.

The fact that Jenna has resolved her own Lupus made me more comfortable. I knew she understood what I was going through. Jenna has such a personal investment in this program, and that gave me reassurance. And once I started to follow the program, I started to see results

If you have a chronic condition, don’t underestimate the power of diet and lifestyle changes. Medical doctors don’t have the time to convince you, or I think they would push for this kind of intervention more.

I’m glad that Jenna invested in creating this program. I’m glad I stuck with it. And I’m optimistic about my health in the future as I continue to implement what I’ve learned.

Mom, Wife & Lupus-thriver

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