LevelUp Health Success Story: Deidre R.

Deidre’s Success Story

“Jenna isn't just helping you for 12 weeks. She's helping you for the rest of your life.”

Jenna’s program is based on medical evidence and a billion pounds of CARE.

I’ve been cursing the waistbands of my jeans for decades. There’s nothing like a too-tight waistband to ruin your whole day, right? So, you buy bigger jeans — and then, eventually, the same thing happens again. Ugh. 

The times in my life where I actually felt good in my skin were surrounded by lots of exercise and pretty unsustainable eating habits, or pretty significant life events. To be skinny and fit, I figured drastic measures were necessary. Most of the time, I didn’t do “what it took”— so I perpetually had extra weight attached to my body. 

But with regular exercise, I was able to stay pretty “healthy” from a bloodwork perspective. Then, I got pregnant and had my son, at age 40, during a pandemic. I was happy and sad and tired and overjoyed — all reasons to keep on snacking! Pizza. Doritos. Popcorn. And ice cream. Soon, my new normal was close to my 9 months pregnant weight — the most I’d ever weighed, by a lot! And the healthy bloodwork that I’d kept “under control” all those years? Well, that was changing, too. Now my cholesterol was high and my A1C was a smidge away from pre-diabets. 

It was half, “Oh shit!” and half, “I’m too freaking tired to do anything about this.” I was exhausted from trying to navigate food. I truly felt like giving up. Couldn’t I just snuggle my adorable baby and continue to eat yummy crap? Sure. But inside, I also knew what that meant. My weight, cholesterol and blood sugar would continue to rise, and my enjoyment and participation in life would decrease — and it wouldn’t just affect me. It would affect my son and my family. They were already subjected to my bad moods, which stemmed from what I was eating, and how I was feeling inside my body. What else would my declining health subject them to down the road? 

For being there in that moment, I will be eternally grateful to Jenna. She saved me.

I lost 19 pounds in 12 weeks on Jenna’s program, and all of my markers improved.

I’m still on my journey. But this time, with so much clarity, and so much less stress.

My biggest surprise about working with Jenna? It’s that she helped me find a new ability to be kind, and gentle, and in-tune with myself — something that I desperately needed. THIS is what’s helping me turn knowledge into lasting changes. Jenna isn’t just trying to help you for 12 weeks, she’s trying to help you for the rest of your life. 

I can tell you wholeheartedly that if you want to change your life, this is how.

With Jenna, you will have the most knowledgeable, genuine, caring, tenacious person on your side. And unlike other MDs … if she doesn’t know something, she’s going to tell you — and then she’ll go find out. But she won’t just Google it. She’ll dive into the medical studies — the pages and pages of science that would make me glaze over and give up — and you’ll see her in a few days, as chipper as ever, with your answer. In my opinion, she should charge 10x what she does. (Get into the program now, before I talk her into it.) 

Considering we live in bodies, most of us know — despite our best efforts — very little about how they actually work. There are so many “experts” out there who only get bits and pieces of the science right … but they share it very convincingly! No wonder we’re all so confused! The point is — you can find “facts” to support just about anything, if you edit them just right (and leave a whole lot out). 

Jenna is the most objective person I’ve ever met. She’s not married to her beliefs or preferences; she’s married to research. The folks who wrote the headlines you saw about why the Mediterranean Diet is great, for example, didn’t read the whole study (or the subsequent reasons for retraction). Jenna did. Jenna looks at everything, and how it all works together. Her answers aren’t biased or swayed because she *wants* things to be a certain way — they are informed by tedious research, that thankfully, she has done for us. I guarantee you if the evidence showed that Doritos were good for us, we’d get the go-ahead on Doritos. Unfortunately it’s not the case, but the point is, Jenna’s program is based on medical evidence and a billion pounds of CARE. 

I’ll be honest. Learning wasn’t a huge motivator for me. I just wanted to KNOW what to do. But there’s something about truly understanding why and how things work that changes everything — how you choose food, how you make decisions, and how you show up for yourself and your family. If you’re worried about whether or not you have to live the rest of your life without pizza, you don’t. But Jenna teaches you how to live in a world where the Standard American Diet is the norm, and be healthy by eating real, whole foods. 

If you’re feeling stuck in your health, and struggling to be yourself again…
If you’re sick of all the conflicting information out there…
If you can’t stand to track a macro or count a point or eat a bunch of eggs…
If you want to finally feel free…

Join Resolve to Results.

You will walk away with extreme clarity.

You will know what choices to make, and why.

And you will be cared for by one of the most genuine, driven people I’ve ever met.

And if you choose pizza once in a while, you can do so with knowledge.

Copywriter & Mom

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