LevelUp Health Success Story: Enma Alvarado, MD

Enma’s Success Story

“If people facing chronic health challenges could take Jenna’s program, it would make a significant impact for the individual — and for the entire population.”

Once I started adjusting the way I cooked at home, the best result of all happened: My son’s health got even better.

My 5-year-old son was sick with allergies, reflux, lethargy, eczema and constipation. He had a runny nose all the time, and needed a nasal spray frequently. We had taken him to two allergists, had his tonsils removed, and cleaned everything in our house, constantly, as advised. 

None of this helped. We were desperate. 

Thankfully, Jenna came recommended to me by a fellow physician. And after a consultation with Jenna, I had a plan that drastically and quickly improved my son’s health. 

After seeing how Jenna’s advice made a difference in my son’s health, I wondered: Maybe it could make a difference in mine, too? My cholesterol was a little bit high. My weight was a little higher than I would have liked. I was tired, and experiencing menopause symptoms. I loved the idea of feeling better.

Curious about what was fully possible, I signed up for the Resolve 2 Results program — and learned so much. 

Over the course of 12 weeks, I changed the way I cooked. I changed the foods I purchased. And guess what? I lost some weight, my belly got noticeably slimmer, my hot flashes improved, my cholesterol dropped, I was sleeping so much better, and my energy levels improved. But that’s not all. Once I started adjusting the way I cooked at home, the best result of all happened: My son’s health got even better.

Now, my son no longer needs allergy medications. His health has drastically improved. And best of all? He plays. He is vibrant. He is full of joy. And I see him taking part in life in a way he wasn’t able to before. This makes my heart so happy, and I hate to think how much longer we would have struggled if I hadn’t met Jenna. 

As humans, we ALL eat. And we undoubtedly need more awareness around how what we eat impacts our health. Those of us reading this are privileged to have access to Jenna and Resolve to Results; I only wish the entire nation could receive the benefits of Jenna’s knowledge, research, and life-changing program.

As a physician, I believe that the diet, behavior and lifestyle shifts recommended by Jenna should be the first line of defense before prescribing medications. 

Doctors visits will never allow the in-depth teaching Jenna provides. I wish her knowledge were shared earlier in people's lives. Not only when they are sick, but as preventive measures. I wish a course like Jenna’s would be available to all the patients who get diagnosed with chronic disease, particularly autoimmune. If people facing chronic health challenges could take Jenna’s program, it would make a significant impact for the individual — and for the entire population. 

Jenna really is changing the world one person, and one family, at a time.

I am so grateful to Jenna — and if you have the opportunity to participate in Resolve to Results, I highly recommend that you do.  

Physician & Mom

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