LevelUp Health Success Story: Erin Carrub

Erin’s Success Story

“In this past month, I haven’t had ONE migraine; that hasn’t happened in at least 20 years.”

I suffered from chronic migraines and joint pain. I don’t anymore.

Anytime I was stressed, I would get a debilitating migraine, and my whole day would be DONE. I’d need to take medication, climb in bed and go to sleep until I felt better. I lost many hours and many days of my life like this: missing kids’ sporting events, missing time with my family, even missing work. But I thought migraines were just part of my life — something I had to deal with. 

Turns out, they weren’t. 

I didn’t take Jenna’s program expecting to reduce my migraines. I thought I was stuck with them. But when Jenna suggested that dietary changes could potentially help, I was hopeful. If Jenna said it, it must be true! She’s one of the most well-researched people I know. 

A few weeks into the program, I started to see a gradual improvement in my migraines. They went from 1-2+ per week, to only one or two per month. And they kept decreasing! In this past month, I haven’t had ONE migraine; that hasn’t happened in at least 20 years. That’s not all. I also noticed the wrist and joint pain I had suffered with was almost entirely gone, my energy level increased, and I even lost 14 pounds.

I learned a lot in the program. I feel like I went to mini medical school! But as a researcher myself, I love that Jenna has researched this information so thoroughly. You can feel really confident in the information — and when you know the WHY — you’re so much more likely to actually do it. There is so much positive reinforcement and support built into Resolve to Results, and that goes a long way in helping to create new habits. 

I can’t say enough about Jenna. She went above and beyond for me … she found cutting edge research on migraines, and spent hours mining through it. Jenna really cares about helping people. You can tell that’s her priority above everything else.

I’m still going strong with the program and lifestyle changes. I just feel so good overall. Why go back? I’m so hopeful for the future, and it comforts me to know that I’m drastically reducing my chances of getting all of the scary health conditions out there. I want to be there for my family, for a long time. My grandma always used to say, “If you don’t have health, you don’t have anything.” Today I have health, and I also have confidence that I’m doing what’s best for my body. 

If you’re considering this program, I want you to consider something:

Maybe the “chronic” condition you’ve been living with doesn’t actually have to be chronic? 

Jenna is incredible. And if your condition can be improved or eliminated, she will find the way.

What have I gained from this program? Freedom. Freedom on so many levels.

Doing Resolve to Results is not easy. But it’s 100% worth it. 

Therapist, Researcher & Mom

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