Fariba’s Success Story

“I lost 22 more pounds, and saw a number on the scale I haven’t seen in over 20 years! Plus all of my health markers improved. I feel so good in my body.”

Jenna has helped me more than any doctor, coach, or trainer has ever helped me — because she comes from a place of genuinely caring.

I had lost a lot of weight on my own. And then I hit a plateau. That’s why I decided to join Jenna’s program — and guess what? I lost 22 more pounds, and saw a number on the scale I haven’t seen in over 20 years! Plus all of my health markers improved. I feel so good in my body. But that’s only the surface-level benefit of Resolve to Results. 

The program gave me food-clarity. I can now navigate all the misinformation that’s out there. (There’s so much!) Jenna is really good at explaining why and how about food — and once I understood the science, shifting my thinking and my actions was easy.

Prior to starting the weight-loss journey on my own, I was in a downward spiral, yet my doctors said I was healthy. “Maybe that’s just where your body is at,” they would say. Either that or they would try to put me on crazy medication. I’m so glad I found Jenna because she’s the first person to actually put my health first. Even though I was already doing a lot right, the small tweaks were absolute game changers. 

Now I halted and reversed the downward trajectory my health was on. Thanks to Jenna, I feel like I finally have a say in where my health is going. 

It’s funny. I was really hesitant about the group element of the program, and it became one of my favorite parts. Everyone brought something to the table. Sometimes, a group member would ask a question I hadn’t even thought of, and the answer would be my biggest takeaway from that week. 

Jenna is smart, knowledgeable and determined. But that’s not even what makes her most effective. The thing that makes her MOST effective is her genuine care. She isn’t just trying to get people in her program — she’s really looking to change someone’s health and improve their quality of life. Jenna has helped me more than any doctor, coach, or trainer has ever helped me — because she comes from a place of genuinely caring.

Also, she doesn’t bullshit. If Jenna didn’t know the answer, or the studies were unclear, she would go the super-extra mile and look through literature, medical journals, and everything that is known — to provide you with the best next step. 

The accountability of the program really helped me as well — and it’s not aggressive accountability (which doesn’t work for me). It’s supportive accountability. In the one-to-one meetings, Jenna just gently and expertly puts you back on track.

I want everyone to know about Resolve to Results! I’ve told my friends, “If you had a guarantee that if you made a few adjustments, you would feel so much better and stop the damage to your health that’s happening every day, wouldn’t you do it?” 

My future — and my family’s future — is a lot more hopeful now. My kids have learned a lot, and they’re still young. As a family we have the mindfulness and the clarity to be more healthy, and I’m so grateful to Jenna and Resolve to Results for providing that. 

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