Ian’s Success Story

“It was clear from the beginning that everything we did was going to be tailored to my personal situation.”

I'm not exaggerating when I say that Jenna's program has been transformative for me.

I was a reluctant participant at first, only agreeing to it because of my wife's enthusiasm. In the past I've tried life coaches, personal trainers, therapists, and just about every popular weight-loss program out there. I'll sum up my experience with them all by saying that I was deeply skeptical that any program could help me make real and sustainable changes in my nutrition and health.

Three things made all the difference this time. First, Jenna is an amazing coach: patient, encouraging, and inventive. It was clear from the beginning that everything we did was going to be tailored to my personal situation. Jenna and I worked together in our personal meetings every week to come up with strategies and solutions that would work for me. I made some important changes over the course of the program, and it was an incredibly empowering experience.

Second, Jenna's program is fundamentally about education. I learned so much about the benefits of a plant-based diet — and I also learned a lot about the health risks of the kind of diet I followed before. And when I say "learned," I really mean it: in our group meetings we got a crash course in the mechanics of heart disease, diabetes, and other common food-related diseases, all backed up with the latest in nutritional science. This was all fascinating on its own, but more importantly it strengthened my resolve to make permanent changes in my approach to nutrition and health. Knowing what I now know, I can't imagine going back to the way I once ate.

Third, after the initial adjustment I found this diet to be remarkably easy to maintain — especially with Jenna's constant encouragement. In contrast to every other diet I've tried, I never feel like I can't eat as much as I want, or that I'm being deprived. The group was great for trading recipes and ingredients, and I learned a lot of new kitchen tricks over the course. But I also found that I could keep doing a lot of what I was already doing in an adapted fashion. I didn't need to radically change who I was, and paradoxically that made it easier to make big changes while still staying me.

I came into this program mainly to lose weight, and that definitely happened: in 12 weeks I shed 30 pounds. I'm also exercising a lot more and sleeping a lot better. But much more important than these changes (great though they are) is the sense of control over my body and my life that Jenna's program has restored to me. As I said at the start, it's been transformative, and I truly can't thank Jenna enough.

University Professor

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