Jan’s Success Story

“After 12 weeks my cholesterol dropped 86 points, all my inflammatory markers were at the lowest level, and I lost 21 pounds!”

When Jenna asked me if I wanted to join her program I thought, “Why not?” I had no expectations because I thought that I was already pretty healthy.

However, I did want to lose weight because although I was eating well, or so I thought, and exercising, I really wasn’t losing weight. I chalked it up to getting older. I also wanted to lower my cholesterol, but like many others, I had been told that I would not be able to make significant changes in my overall cholesterol by changing my diet.

Jenna taught me and our small group more about nutrition and health than we had learned in a lifetime. So much of what I learned was simply wrong and it was negatively impacting my health. With Jenna’s help, after 12 weeks my cholesterol dropped 86 points, all my inflammatory markers were at the lowest level and I lost 21 pounds!

Jenna focuses on education, science, and progress, not perfection. Anyone who wants to make significant changes in their health should participate in Jenna’s program. It’s 12 weeks that are a life changer. My husband, who was at a weight loss plateau, decided to eat what I was eating. He has lost 6lbs already. This is 100% sustainable… It is a lifestyle change and so much more. I feel so much better and now I know. I have way more control than I thought I had.

One other thing that’s different is how good I feel. I never have that feeling after eating that I’ve put something bad in my body, or that I’m bloated or don’t feel great. I don’t remember ever feeling this good.


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