Jan’s Success Story

“When I turned 60, my husband and I moved from West Texas to the Dallas area, and the move came with a bit of stress … a bit of restaurant-exploration … and a bit of weight gain.”

I wasn’t feeling like myself, but I chalked it up to age. I didn’t like the idea, but it seemed unavoidable: I guess I was an ‘old person’ now. 

Once I got settled in Dallas, I found a doctor — and my bloodwork results were horrible! Though I wasn’t overweight, I was pre-diabetic, my cholesterol was high, and my inflammation markers were on the high side, too. My doctor suggested cholesterol medication, and I resisted. 

I said, “I don’t want to be on medication!” 

My doctor replied, “Medication is going to be in your future.” 

I remember leaving the office really sad. Disheartened. Was this what it meant to be 60? My health was going south, I would need to be on medication, and guess I just had to accept that. 

I listened to my doctor and started taking the statin. I didn’t want to have a heart attack or worse.

But the idea of being on medication forever didn’t sit right with me! It felt like a slippery slope, and I wanted another option. I want to be the fun grandmother who plays … not the old, sick one who just sits in the recliner. I wanted to keep my vitality for as long as possible! So, I signed up for Resolve 2 Results.

An added bonus was that my husband was interested, too. He wanted to know what I was learning, and to implement some positive changes himself. So we embarked. I was open to learning about my health, and I realized I had never taken that kind of ownership before. Aside from exercising, I had sort of left my body and my health in my doctor’s hands. 

I suppose I had always thought I could out-exercise my diet. Now I know that’s not the case. Resolve 2 Results has been a real eye-opener. It’s caused me to look at “What am I really eating?” and showed me exactly what that food does inside my body.

After 12 weeks on the program, I feel so much better! I lost 16 pounds, and my blood work has dramatically improved! I have A LOT more energy, and now I love putting my clothes on. (They were getting tight and uncomfortable before!) 

I feel better, and I look better, but most of all, I’m being intentional about my health for the first time in my life! 

While the statin had lowered my cholesterol 60 points, to a decent number, before the program — R2R decreased my total cholesterol another 71 points! Resolve 2 Results lowered my total cholesterol more than the statin had, and after the statin had already lowered it significantly! It was absolutely amazing.

Now I have options! I can work with my doctor to go off the statin, or lower my dose. Medication doesn’t have to be my path forward, and that makes me feel so relieved.

My husband is also feeling great; his cholesterol is the lowest it’s ever been. And my grandson now loves overnight oats!

I had always been very trusting of doctors. But once I started having my weekly health coaching session with Jenna, I realized how little time doctors actually spend with us … and how little they really know about nutrition .

Jenna, on the other hand, was very attentive, and so knowledgeable about each condition that was affecting me. I became aware of new options to improve my health. Jenna takes whoever you are and makes sure that your exercise, diet, sleep and lifestyle is supporting health, and reversing whatever has been developing from aging or lifestyle.

Now, settled happily into the Dallas area, and we’ve found our new favorite restaurants where we can order food that makes us feel good! We have a great network of friends and love being active. I’m a fun grandma who plays on the floor all the time — I even went down water slides with my grandkids recently!

When I talk to the doctor, I talk much differently than I did before. I would just go in and listen. Now I go into my appointments informed

Jenna’s been a real gift to our family. She’s helping a lot of people, and I want her to help as many people as she can! It’s interesting that most people — and many doctors — don’t know how this approach can be lifesaving. Sure, it’s work — but it’s a lot less work than heart surgery!

With this newfound clarity and health, I’m able to do more of what’s important to me. 

Serving others has always been a big part of my life. Resolve 2 Results has helped me realize that by investing in my own health, I’ll have even more to give others. 

Because of Jenna, I can be healthy. I can still feel amazing in my 60s! And I can have an incredible quality of life with my kids, my grandkids, my friends and my community. 

Wife, Mother & Grandmother

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