LevelUp Health Success Story: JIll

Jill’s Success Story

“My GERD wasn’t from a defect after all. It was inflammation-based, and has been completely cured with Jenna’s program.”

However, after the first few weeks, something remarkable happened: the lifestyle changes started to feel more natural and, most importantly, I began to feel significantly better.

Before I met Jenna, I was beside myself — certain I wouldn’t be able to take care of myself in 20 years. I was trying to do everything I could to fix these health issues and stop going down this horrible path, so that I could be here, and be functioning, for my children. I didn’t want them to have to take care of me!

But the meds kept increasing — and so did my physical discomfort. 

I spent my days with tightness in my chest, finding it hard to breathe.

Finally I was diagnosed with silent GERD, and after an endoscopy, my gastroenterologist delivered the news: I had a defective esophagus epiglottis. The flap responsible for preventing acid from flowing back up was faulty. 

A defective epiglottis? This was devastating news. I was already on two medications daily, and the doctor was pushing for a third. 

I didn’t want more medication — I wanted to fix the problem! So I went to more doctors. Most were entirely dismissive about food and nutrition other than saying, “Eat healthier.” What does that even mean? Some would say, “Don’t eat spicy food” or “Stop drinking coffee,” — but none of that worked either.

They sent me to every specialist under the sun for this. Nobody helped. 

…Until I moved to a new OB/GYN. I told her I was at my wit’s end. And she recommended Jenna. At the time I figured it was worth a shot. Little did I know that my life was about to actually, finally, dramatically improve.

What I got was an incredible amount of valuable information, and a whole new way of eating. Adapting to this new way of life required a significant shift. However, after the first few weeks, something remarkable happened: the lifestyle changes started to feel more natural and, most importantly, I began to feel significantly better.

Now, over eight months into my journey on a whole foods, plant-based diet, I can confidently say that it has transformed my life. While weight loss wasn't my primary goal, I've shed over 30 pounds. I’ve also eliminated migraines, drastically lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol, and I've successfully tapered off medications. 

The most astonishing change of all was the result of a follow-up endoscopy. My gastroenterologist — the same one who had diagnosed me with a "defect" in my esophagus epiglottis — now confirmed that it was gone. The assumption is that what was initially believed to be a "defect" was, in fact, inflammation-based and had been completely cured by my new diet.

I haven't felt this good in several decades. Jenna, your Resolve 2 Results program has been a beacon of hope, guiding me back to a life of health, vitality, and joy. Thank you. Resolve 2 Results has changed the trajectory of my life! This program made me realize that it’s not too late to completely shift the future of my health; my medical place in this world. I get to decide about my life … not just what happens to me.

COO & Mom

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