Jose’s Success Story

“I went into this for my wife … but I think it helped me even more! :)”

After 12 weeks, I lost 36 pounds. (Now I’ve lost 40.)

My wife, Dina, asked me if I wanted to do the program with her. I said yes. I wanted to support her, and thought maybe it could help me too. I was getting older, and even though I like to mountain bike and move regularly, I figured this program could help me get healthier and learn about nutrition.

After 12 weeks, I lost 36 pounds. (Now I’ve lost 40.)

The weight just kept coming off. It was like someone was playing a prank with the scale! 

I can’t remember the last time I weighed this much … probably in grade school. When we started Resolve to Results, I weighed 240. My goal was to get to 225 — the weight I got married at. Before I knew it, I weighed 210! And I’ve lost even more since then.

My clothes got baggy, and now I’m wearing the smaller clothes from the back of my closet … and they’re big too! 

I have so much energy from Resolve to Results. Right away I started feeling a lot more energy, more alive … like your blood is flowing better through your veins. It’s been forever since I felt this good.

I work in a physical job, and having more energy has made it easier and I no longer feel sluggish towards the end of the day. I feel a lot lighter moving around and getting things done. 

I do a lot of mountain biking, and that got easier too. The hills I used to work hard to climb now seem very easy. I’m trying bigger hills just to see if I can do them, and I almost always can. It feels great.

I’m even making a gym space in the garage for us to work out, complete with the new weight bench Dina got me for my birthday. 

I like cooking, and we’ve had a lot of fun finding new recipes, trying new foods, and cooking together. There are so many different kinds of mushrooms with different textures! Lately I’ve been making fajitas, burgers, tacos and pizzas — just using ingredients that are healthier based on what I've learned from the Resolve to Results program. We are enjoying food even more and discovering new favorite flavors.

It’s easy to make healthy choices when you know why and how something is affecting your body. Honestly I thought we had already been eating healthy but I was surprised that so much of what we ate was bad for us — and that what we eat affects everything

Jenna is full of information — she gives you a lot of tools so that you can make this lifestyle sustainable. We now know how to read our blood tests, and where we want our numbers to be.

It makes me happy to see Dina feeling like herself again. She’s always been a positive person … but now she has more energy, and she’s on-the-move a lot more. 

We both feel better. Life is better — and it’s more fun!

Before Resolve to Results, we were getting unhealthier over time. 

Now we are making good choices and getting healthier. Doing the program together brought us even closer.

I went into this for my wife … but I think it helped me even more! :)

Husband, Father & Mountain Biker

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