Mahsa’s Success Story

“The underlying condition that had been making me so tired was finally revealed!”

Because of Jenna, I found the reason I had been suffering for months. As if the universe sent Jenna to rescue me.

I was sick for a long time. I didn’t feel well. My brain was foggy. I was always so tired! My brother and sister-in-law told me about Jenna, but I had so many things on my plate and I didn’t want to add another thing to my schedule.

I would wake up to the alarm and barely be able to open my eyes. People say, “I’m exhausted,” but I was really, truly exhausted! Barely able to function. But I have a job and a child — so I had to. Somehow I got through, but it was a daily struggle. 

I felt like I was drowning and barely had my head above water.

I had previously had my thyroid gland removed. I thought maybe it was related to that? So I went to the endocrinologist who said maybe it was the dose, or the timing of my medication. I went to the primary care doctor, too. 

Nobody had solutions. And I still felt nothing helped!

Finally I listened to my brother and sister-in-law. I mustered every last bit of energy I had to the consultation call with Jenna. Not only could I tell she was a sweet and knowledgeable person in that first call, I could tell that she really, genuinely cared

When I saw other doctors, they would spend five minutes, give me a prescription, and ultimately nothing would change. But Jenna took time. She asked questions.

Something clicked for me. This woman actually cares about my health. Jenna was someone who wanted to get me out of this darkness. I felt that from her immediately. So I signed up for Resolve to Results. 

Even though I was tired, and still a bit reluctant (thinking this still could be just another diet from one of the thousands of “experts” out there), I felt that I was out of options. And I knew Jenna wanted to help me. I put some faith in her because of that.

Very quickly, my hesitations were gone. I’m a researcher myself, so I’m not going to believe anything that isn’t fact-based. And Jenna brought the science. She brought the studies, the research, the citations, the evidence. 

To all of my questions, she responded with research. I was convinced. 

It was hard to go through that realization that I was blind when it came to food. And this program created an awakening for me. I was eating food to get through the day and targeted only taste and not feeling hungry. Jenna gave me the tools to look at food as my priority. (I usually don’t have time for cooking; I was able to do this without becoming a professional chef!) 

It was like a switch turned on. The food I eat is what is helping my body, at the most cellular level, to fight against whatever is causing the sickness, fatigue and exhaustion. I felt incredibly empowered! I am in control of my health again. 

A few weeks in, however, my symptoms of exhaustion weren’t responding like Jenna had expected. She felt that something else was going on. She recommended extra blood tests, and guess what? 

The underlying condition that had been making me so tired was finally revealed! 

I’d been to different doctors many times because of how I was feeling, but none of them ever took the time to do the extensive array of tests to figure out what was going on. I’m so grateful to Jenna.

On Resolve to Results, I lost 19 pounds (and I’m still losing). My cholesterol significantly dropped. All of my markers went in the right direction. And now, because of what Jenna helped me to discover, I’m recovering. I have more energy. I can get out of bed in the morning. I can function throughout my day. In three months, I got 80% better, and I have every confidence that I will be better-than-ever soon enough. 

Because of Jenna, I found the reason I had been suffering for months. As if the universe sent Jenna to rescue me.

Before this, I thought my body was failing me. What I realized is this: I was actually failing my body. I wasn’t giving my body the right nutrients to heal.

The weight loss and improved health markers are wonderful, but they are just an added bonus. I won’t go back to my old way of eating because I feel like my old self again!

For a long time, I felt like I was in a dark tunnel — not knowing what was going on. Resolve to Results helped me find the light.

When there were no answers, Jenna got me answers. She changed my life.

Mom, Researcher & Teacher

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