LevelUp Health Success Story: Maria Sturchler, MD

Maria’s Success Story

“As a physician, I wish doctors got this training in medical school ... I wish all medical and health professions’ schools would pay for sessions with Jenna.”

My quality of life went way up, and there are benefits that  you can’t fully quantify. 

My husband and I needed a hard reset. We went from doing Ironman triathlons to spending time on the couch with our babies. Our hearts were happy, but our health started to downslide. We both gained weight, and felt like shadows of our former selves. We needed someone to help us snap out of it. Jenna was exactly that person.

My husband lost 30 pounds and he feels amazing. He got off statins. He fits back into all of his old clothes.

As for me? I love not having an achy back, sore knees and creaky joints. I love fitting into my clothes. I love waking up with energy and playing with my kids. My quality of life went way up, and there are benefits that  you can’t fully quantify. 

This program creates a ripple effect on your whole life. It changed my relationship with my children and my husband. I’m feeling better all the time, and that translates into everything I do.

I used to have a hard time when people would bring junk into the office. I felt like I was missing out.  I was someone who feared and vilified carbs — but Jenna showed us how to do carbs, and guess what? Turns out carbs make me incredibly happy and give me more energy! Now I can make better choices and I feel in control.

As a physician, I wish doctors got this training in medical school. We’re so ignorant to the nutrition piece. Before meeting Jenna, I had read a lot on the side, but it was nothing compared to what Jenna has put together here. I wish all medical and health professions’ schools would pay for sessions with Jenna.

We have a gaping hole in medical school education. We learn about metabolism, but we don’t ever apply what we learn. We don’t learn about this life-altering approach to health, and we certainly aren’t given the tools to teach our patients about it.

I wish we could put Jenna in front of the ACGME and governing bodies who structure medical education. This is an approach that doctors need to learn about. This approach changes lives. 

I know because this program changed my life. I am a better person because of Jenna. It changed my husband’s life. It undoubtedly changed my childrens’ lives. And it wasn’t just me and my family. In my cohort, I saw people who suffered — for decades — with things like migraines, reflux and autoimmune disease resolve their conditions. 

There are so many supplements and programs and “experts” and “solutions” out there. The hype here is real! Jenna’s way is cheap, effective and fast. It’s so anti-gimmicky. It’s all the things everyone promises you — but this actually works. 

The reality is — you don’t have to spend your time suffering — now you can just live. I think the cost of this program is a very low price to pay; you’ve invested in your life forever.

Everything Jenna teaches is absolutely right. Give it a chance. Give it a couple months. If she’s full of it, you’ll find out. And if, rather, when it works, you’ll find out and be better for it.

It’s doable for everyone. It’s personalizable. It’s illuminating.

It’s funny actually. I thought I had pretty good knowledge around food and nutrition. I thought I had things figured out. And then breakthrough … breakthrough … breakthrough. 

If you want to make that change…
If you want to feel better, lose weight, improve your bloodwork…
If you want to attain those things that feel unreachable…
The things we struggle with…
The things we go to all the “experts” for…
The things we try all the pills and supplements for…

Do this. It is literally the cheapest and easiest thing.
It just requires a little effort. 
And a little open mindedness. 

And you can change your life.

Save yourself all the trips to all the places you search for solutions in… 

Save yourself the suffering, the worrying, the lost nights of sleep, the feeling bad about yourself…

Resolve to Results can set you free in so many ways.

I owe Jenna a huge debt of gratitude.

Wife, Athlete & Mom

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