Marie’s Success Story

“One day, my husband came home and said, ‘My cholesterol is up to 234 now, and my doctor suggested Lipitor as a way to lower it.’”

His inclination was to avoid medication and do something different

Fortunately, I had been learning about ‘different’ for quite some time. Though I had grown up in a Western Medicine family, I started to wonder if there was more to health than what most doctors were teaching. 

To learn everything I could to help my husband, I signed up for Resolve 2 Results!

Of course, at that time, I thought my bloodwork was going to be a-ok…

Lo and behold, Jenna discovered that my own cholesterol had risen 60 points in just two years — something I never would have realized. According to traditional standards, my number was fine — but the drastic increase in my number would not have been noticed.

Jenna is articulate and communicates very clearly.. She is responsive, dedicated, and so caring! Her weekly check-ins were priceless. She has also come from a Western Medicine background, and she was able to answer the questions I had started to gather.

Resolve 2 Results was everything I hoped, and more! The program gives so much clarity, based on research! There is an inundation of data out there, and if you only look at pieces of information, you can ‘validate’ almost anything you want. The thing I loved about Jenna’s program is that it gives you the full picture. You’re not just trusting a headline or one incomplete statistic — you are getting evidence about the human body, about chronic disease, and about what you can control. You are getting the knowledge to make truly healthy decisions! And thanks to this education, we did make healthy decisions. 

My husband’s cholesterol dropped over 50 points. When he told friends, they asked, “Did you start taking Lipitor?” He was proud to say NO

My husband also now walks around announcing, “I can breathe!” His seasonal allergies didn’t affect him at all this year — an unexpected bonus. He has also found new foods that he loves … he’s become quite an overnight oats aficionado! 

As for me, my cholesterol went down 65 points. I resolved two vitamin deficiencies and have more energy. I eat a larger variety of food. I’m snacking less, and eating more — feeling satiated after my meals. I feel really good — and I’m much more confident going to the doctor. 

We are both excited to continue our journeys with this new-found knowledge.

I am just so humbled. I joined this program to help my husband, and ended up helping myself, too. Before this program, I thought I was eating healthy … I thought my bloodwork numbers would be really good … but I wasn’t as healthy as I thought! 

Now I look at food in a different way … with much more clarity and confidence. I have better strategies for travel, and life in general. 

I can't help but wonder what might have happened if I continued on that path for another two years. What a gift that I’ll never have to know.

Wife, Mom & Wellness Enthusiast

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