Melissa’s Success Story

“I had read about the long term benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet and its ability to forestall, avoid or reverse the most devastating disease categories that affect humans: heart disease, cancer, diabetes and mental decline.”

As active athletes, neither my husband nor I had any chronic health issues, but we wanted to do Resolve to Results as an experiment of sorts.

Could we achieve statistical improvement in any of our health markers? Could we improve our “healthspan”? After all, it’s about more than how long we live — but how healthy we are along the way!

The net results of the 12-week program? I lost 20 pounds, effortlessly. My cholesterol level dropped, and any inflammation markers that I had went to near zero.

My husband saw marked improvement and weight loss as well. We are both thrilled with the results and feeling great! Incredible! 

Resolve 2 Results is like a graduate level science-based course on health, nutrition and disease prevention. A door has been opened for us into a different lifestyle that is so much healthier, and we are surprised that this health-advancing information is not more widely known and widely accepted. It is shocking that the vast majority of medical practitioners are not well-versed in the science of nutrition, and the associated disease-prevention benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet. 

Jenna is truly a delightful person as a human being and compelling as a health and nutrition professional.

Her research is rock-solid, and everything she shares is based on the latest scientific evidence.

We are happy to have a new, healthier lifestyle because of Resolve 2 Results.

Senior Managing Director, Fitness Buff, Wife & Mother

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