LevelUp Health Success Story: Rachel Kessler

Rachel’s Success Story

“Jenna’s program provided more than 10x the value of the other health coaching I had done previously.”

I’ve learned how to optimize my health from the inside out.

I have ulcerative colitis. A few years ago, I was having a really bad flare up. I worked with a health coach, and their plan (which was very restrictive) helped me get into remission, which I was so grateful for. 

But I didn’t know how to start eating again after that. 

I couldn’t maintain the super-restrictive eating plan, but I didn’t really know how to eat for my life. So I backslid. With the busyness of two small kids, coupled with a sweet tooth, I gained 20 pounds. 

Sick of the extra weight, and tired from trying to unsuccessfully lose it on my own, I worked with a vegan dietician. Over 3 months, I only lost 2 pounds. Frustrating! I think I knew intuitively that oil-laden, processed vegan products weren’t healthy for my body, but I was at a loss. There is so much misinformation out there.

After this rollercoaster, I’m so glad I finally worked with Jenna.

Working with Jenna, I learned how to eat in a way that’s actually sustainable. I learned how to cook meals that my family will eat. While before Jenna’s program, I knew how to get out of a flare, I now know how to eat for life. Now my food is diverse and interesting. 

As far as my sweet tooth? I have found delicious, satisfying alternatives that support my health instead of detract from it.

Now let’s talk about the incredible learning. The modules on cardiovascular health … I don’t know how I would have ever acquired this knowledge! Your doctor doesn’t tell you this stuff. And you can listen to people online, but it’s hard to figure out what the truth is. I suppose one option would be to read all the studies yourself. Good news: Jenna already did that! 

Because of Jenna, I learned so much about my body and how it works that I would not have learned otherwise. In fact, I learned even more than I expected…

At the end of the 12 weeks on Resolve to Results, I lost weight and reduced other markers, but my cholesterol didn’t drop the way I had hoped. Jenna immediately knew something was up and suggested a LP(a) test, which showed some eye-opening news: I have a significantly elevated genetically-determined risk for high cholesterol. I was blown away. 

Without Jenna’s expertise, this is critical information I would have never had! 

My family history all makes sense now, and this piece of information isn’t just informing my next steps; it’s also providing clarity and direction for my mother and my children to harness healthy, prevention-based lifestyles. 

My kids are eating way more vegetables than they were six months ago. I truly feel relieved, and I know it will continue to get better as they get older and start to cook with me. It also gives me a sense of relief that they will take these tools with them as they grow up and have their own families.

My mom has always been into her health. And now I’m bringing things to the table (besides just food!) that are improving her health as well. Resolve to Results has positively impacted my whole family.

When I started Resolve to Results, I wanted to lose weight. I didn’t want to go into another flare. But now I understand that those are byproducts of something bigger. I’ve learned how to optimize my health from the inside out.

Now I have so much more control — over everything. I know what to do, and why I’m doing it. The beautiful thing is … once you have this knowledge, the “temptation” to make unhealthy choices just disappears.

I was blown away with how good the course was! I was amazed by the educational components, the community and the invaluable resources. What makes it all even better? Jenna is so easy to talk to. She is so knowledgeable, and I never feel any judgment from her. You can tell how passionate she is … how much she genuinely wants to help people. The one-on-one sessions are just as life-altering as the information she teaches.

I’m no stranger to working with health coaches. I can say with certainty: Jenna’s program provided more than 10x the value of the other health coaching I had done previously. 

If you are considering Resolve to Results, I would say THERE’S NOTHING TO CONSIDER. You just need to do it. This is information that everybody needs to know to optimize their health. If you want to LevelUP your health, the path awaits you.

Mom, Wife & Sweet-Tooth Owner

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