Stephanie’s Success Story

“The stress and worry of wondering if I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke is gone.”

Before this program, I thought I was a healthy person. I thought I was making decent choices, but I was actually headed down an unhealthy path … a cardiac event waiting to happen.

As my bloodwork kept getting worse, it felt like a snowball effect. I couldn't get my footing. I couldn't get back on track.

I'm a nurse, so I realized the magnitude of my situation. I've taken care of a lot of patients who, sadly, didn't have this educational piece to change things.

I was on blood pressure medication, and my blood pressure averaged 140s/90s, sometimes higher. I was pre-diabetic. My cholesterol was 290. My LDL was climbing towards 200. I was in the danger zone, to say the least. But I was ready to improve my health, and my life.

Making adjustments was challenging at first, because you have to change things you’ve been doing for a long time. But Jenna’s guidance, the education, and the group support get you to the next level.

It’s funny. At first, the whole group thing felt a little unnerving. But within two weeks, I loved my group. My initial hesitation was replaced with massive appreciation. I couldn’t have done this without them. We are still in touch to this day! We learned and accomplished so much together.

In addition to learning about what we’re putting into our bodies, the self-care component was a huge missing piece for me. Once I got the momentum going, everything fell into place. And I felt complete.

Now, my bloodwork is remarkable. My blood pressure is now consistently 120s/70s. I don't take any medications anymore. While I didn't start this program to lose weight, I knew it could be a bonus. You hear people say, "The weight just fell off." It really did. I lost 22 pounds and I'm still losing.

I'm coming up on 60 years old and I have more energy than I've had in a long time. The stress and worry of wondering if I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke is gone. That was a big piece of my life for a couple of years. Today I am a much happier person.

I feel good when I look at myself. My hair is healthier. My skin is healthier. I am just brighter. I've had compliments on a daily basis on how good I look, and the beauty of that is that it's not going away.

This way of living is 100% sustainable because it's education-based. You’re not being forced to do anything. You have the choice, and it's a reset. It's a reset of your life.

Unlike when I began this program, I truly am a healthy person now. I have a much better understanding of my food choices — and what those choices do to my health long-term. I have not wavered. I haven't felt that I've given up anything.

By doing Resolve to Results, you're investing in your long-term health and your future. You're adding years to your life. It’s the best investment I’ve made for my future, for my family, and for my health.


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