LevelUp Health Success Story: Dana Pacheco

Dina’s Success Story

“I lost 22 pounds, and I can feel the life and energy inside my body.”

This is just the beginning.

I’ve been living with MS for 20 years. It’s just a fact of life for me. I take medication, and usually forget I have it — until I stand up and my body remembers.

But recently, I just didn’t feel like myself anymore. I had gained weight during the pandemic, and felt frumpy and uncomfortable. I was tired. I had no energy.

I wasn’t only feeling physically sluggish, but mentally, too. 

Recently, I ran into a friend who looked especially fit, vibrant and healthy. We got to talking about how I was feeling. And she said, “You need to talk to Jenna.”

What a smart, kind, breath of fresh air Jenna was!

Not only did I decide to embark on Resolve to Results; my husband Jose did too. Mostly he wanted to support me in my journey, but he also had some high-risk health issues himself, like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. So we decided to take a leap and try something new.

Going in, I hoped to lose some weight. 

What I got was so much more. 

I lost 22 pounds, and I can feel the life and energy inside my body. My LDL dropped 32 points, and my inflammation markers went from 3.7 to virtually undetectable. My total cholesterol, triglycerides and A1C came down too.

The energy, the positivity, the drive, the self-awakening — it’s across everything. 

This program is like sprinkling magic glitter on your whole life.

My husband and I are more connected than ever. That was a joyful side-effect we didn’t expect at all. Seeing how happy and healthy Jose is — it’s incredible. Also, I didn’t expect that he could possibly become an even better cook! But with this program, he has! Combined with his skillful cooking, and my refreshed taste buds, food tastes so much better now. 

I feel amazing. I’m moving more. I’m even working out every morning. I’m less fearful about going places and doing things by myself. I’m me again. 

Recently I went into the office. Although I walk with a cane, I didn't need extra assistance from my colleagues like I usually do. My body is stronger. This group motivated me to move more, and it also helped me change my mindset around moving my body. 

I think when you have a disease like MS, it is easy to fall into the trap of limitations instead of treating it as any other obstacle and pushing forward. While the diagnosis didn’t stop me in certain areas of my life — career, education, or relationships — I realize now how much it had recently hindered my confidence in my physical abilities, and the tenacity I have inside me.

I thought I couldn’t move or exercise very much, but I was wrong. 

The thing that really excites me? There have been a few times when I’m climbing up the stairs, and I notice a “bounce” in my step. The leg that I often struggle to lift feels lighter and more agile. Will this keep happening?! Will the bounce become more frequent?! 

Three months ago, I was dragging. I was feeling a little hopeless and stuck.

Now, I have a zest for life. I’m spunky. I’m the Dina I haven’t seen in years. And I cannot wait to see what happens next.

Resolve to Results positively affects everything in your life. I feel GOOD in my body. I feel EXCITED about life, and about the future. 

This is just the beginning.

Resolve to Results helped me reconnect to my body, my husband, my life, and MYSELF. This was good for my body, and for my soul. 

I have amazing results so far. I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

If you are considering Resolve to Results, please listen to me:

This is the best investment you can make in yourself, your body, and your family. This is the best gift I could have given myself in a lifetime. It is a gift for today, and for the rest of your life.

Wife, Mom, MBA & MS-Thriver

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